Day: October 1, 2022

Going Green: Tips for Designing an Eco-Friendly Home

Going Green: Tips for Designing an Eco-Friendly Home

There are many ways to lead a greener lifestyle, and James Tan decided to do it in a big way—through the design of his eco-friendly home. James, who moved into his new BTO flat with his family last year, is a huge advocate of sustainable living. Thus, ensuring his 5-room flat was fitted with green features was a priority for him.

From energy-efficient lights to green-certified paint, James shares the benefits and tips for designing an eco-friendly home.

Open Spaces, Cooler Temperatures

Most of us would turn to the air conditioner when it comes to beating the tropical heat. It may be the quickest way to do so, but it’s not the most energy-efficient. While fans are the next best alternative, ensuring cross-ventilation can also help keep the rooms cool.

“When designing our eco-friendly home, we adopted an open concept for the communal area to allow better ventilation within the flat, to help keep the temperature of the house relatively low,” James explains. “Deliberately keeping the design of a home minimal can also maximise ventilation.”

Going Green, Literally

Did you know that house plants can help with keeping the ambient temperature cool? Not only that, introducing greenery into your home can improve the surrounding air quality and amp up your home’s  aesthetic factor.

In addition to using house plants such as peace lilies to improve air quality, James uses an environment monitor is used to track the indoor environmental quality (IEQ)

Adopt Energy-Efficient Features

An energy-efficient feature that home owners might be familiar with is LED lighting. These light bulbs last longer and are relatively more durable. Other features include motion-sensing lights and water-efficient fittings, all of which are found in James’ home.

“Not only is a green-enabled home beneficial for the natural environment, it enhances home owners’ overall living experience and well-being. Additionally, going green and being energy-efficient also allows us to enjoy utility savings,” James says.

Use Green-Certified Materials

When renovating his eco-friendly home, James ensured that all materials are certified by the Singapore Green Building Council (SGBC) where possible. These include paint, carpentry laminates, floor screed and tile adhesive that comprise low levels of toxic substances and emissions.

For instance, the carpentry laminates used in the bathrooms are fabricated from marine grade wood, a material with low volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can cause adverse health effects

“If you’re looking to use eco-friendly materials, do incorporate them from the start, as making changes would be challenging and costly once renovations works are completed.”

Furnish Sustainably

There are a few ways to furnish sustainably. When furniture shopping, consider the source of the materials. In addition to being ethically sourced, James advises to purchase pieces with eco-friendly components, to ensure the minimal presence of VOCs.

Instead of brand new furnishing, opting for vintage furniture or repurposing an existing piece are also sustainable alternatives for an eco-friendly home.

For more interior design inspiration, check out our Home Tours and or home design ideas!



5 Tips for Caring for Your Wood Furniture

5 Tips for Caring for Your Wood Furniture

There’s good reason why wood furniture is an appealing choice among homeowners. Besides being a timeless design staple, the durability of wood enables you to pass down cherished pieces as heirlooms. Regular upkeep will ensure your wood furniture lasts for years to come, so learn these tips for maintaining and cleaning it the right way!

1. Prevent Sun and Water Damage

Home Tours: How a Couple Designed Their Elegant Abode

Avoid placing your wood furniture under constant and direct exposure to the sun. Prolonged exposure to sunlight and heat will degrade furniture finishes and form surface spots, which may be difficult to reverse. Likewise, do not use excessive water to clean your wood furniture regardless of its finish, as it may cause permanent stains.

2. Use Your Furniture With Care

Be gentle with your wood furniture, especially when placing items on surfaces. Use coasters under mugs to prevent water stains on tabletops. Tablecloths and placemats are also necessary so that hot objects do not come in direct contact with the wood. Heat can cause unwanted swelling that affect the shape of your furniture.

3. Dust Your Furniture Regularly

Wipe dust and grime off your wood furniture with a soft terry cloth, to minimise dulling of the surfaces. Dusting sprays should be used with caution depending on the wood finish, as certain ingredients such as silicone or oil could form a film that attracts more dust instead. Make sure you add dusting spray to your cloth, rather than spraying it directly on the furniture.

4. Adopt Correct Cleaning Techniques

Familiarise yourself with the types of finishes used for your wood furniture in order to clean the pieces properly. As a rule, water should never be allowed to sit on wood. Use a warm and mild soap solution or opt for commercial products formulated for the right finish, and work with the grain when cleaning with a soft cloth. Always remember to dry thoroughly afterward.

5. Polish to Protect and Revive Shine

Regular polishing can maintain your wood furniture’s resistance to water and restore shine. Similarly, knowing the type of furniture finish will determine the polishing method and products you need. If applying wax, use a cheesecloth and let the wax sit on the wooden surface for a few minutes before buffing it in with a clean cloth.

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5 Tips on How to Cool a Room Without Aircon

5 Tips on How to Cool a Room Without Aircon

When the tropical heat gets hard to bear, our first instinct might be to reach for the aircon remote. When it’s such a convenient solution, it could be hard to kick the habit – even though most of us know it’s a huge energy guzzler. In fact, aircon makes up about a quarter of an average Singaporean household’s energy consumption.

Then, there’s the irony in heating up the Earth to keep our homes cool. A recent commentary suggests that the annual emissions generated from aircon use in an HDB flat with four air-con units is greater than yearly emissions generated from driving a car.

Still finding it hard to stop relying on aircon? From ceiling fans to solar films, here are some tips on how to cool a room without aircon.

1. Use a Fan

While it may seem like an obvious alternative, it’s important to highlight this option as fans consume less energy, which means more utility savings. A regular table or standing fan is also ready to be used right out of the box, though professional help is required to install a ceiling fan. While an aircon unit would involve both installation and servicing costs, using a well-placed fan is a straightforward and fuss-free  way to cool a room.

2. Ensure Cross-Ventilation

This is probably one of the easiest and most affordable (read: free) ways to cool a room. If you keep the windows and doors opposite each other open, wind can blow straight through. You can even turn on your fan to help direct the air for more efficient cooling.

3. Introduce Indoor Plants

Just as greenery in your estate helps to keep the surroundings cool, greenery around your home can keep your flat cool. Plants help to keep the heat at bay by releasing moisture into the air through transpiration. Plus, they’re a lot more stylish than your clunky aircon unit.

Starting on your plant parent journey? Be sure to check out our article on tips for buying house plants.

4. Install Solar Films

Natural light is great— until it’s heating up your home. One way to beat the heat is to install solar films on your windows. When applied, these films help to disperse heat and even filter out harmful UV rays.

5. Draw the Curtains

Not ready to invest in solar films for your home? A cheaper way to keep the heat out is to just keep the light out too, by drawing your curtains or shades during the day. If you have blinds, you can use the horizontal slats to direct sunlight to a light coloured ceiling. This helps diffuse the light coming in without letting in excess heat.

For more home maintenance tips, check out our guide. Or, read here for more home design ideas!



Creative 2-Room Flexi Flat Design Ideas

Creative 2-Room Flexi Flat Design Ideas

Compact in size? Get large on creativity! Here are some 2-room flexi flat design ideas to turn up that cosy charm.

1. Think Open

Opening up the space between your living room and bedroom can create a bigger communal area that maximises the flow of natural lighting and ventilation in your home. The added space in your 2-room flexi flat design also creates flexibility for a variety of purposes.

2. Two Rooms, One TV

Photo: Pinterest

Can’t decide whether to place a TV in the room or the living room? A rotating TV wall might just be the thing for you. Not only is this 2-room flexi flat design idea a space-saving one, you can place your favourite painting on the other side of the wall and have the flexibility of alternating between different wall displays.

3. Create a Flexible-Use Room

Talk about space maximisation – with this hidden wall-mounted bed, you can turn your room into a flexi-use space anytime! The bed is hinged at one end, and can be easily be pulled down or stored away. Attach a floating table to the bed and the bed can double up as a workspace when not in use!

4. Swap Out Rooms

Photo: Pinterest

For those who’d like a bigger bedroom, consider swapping your bedroom with the living room. One of the more creative 2-room flex flat design ideas, the old bedroom could then be converted for other uses such as a cosy work corner or dining room. For home owners who don’t fancy an open bedroom concept, consider building a partition for more privacy.

In need of interior inspirations? Head over to our design ideas for more!



A Baby Proofing Checklist for Your Home

A Baby Proofing Checklist for Your Home

Keeping your home safe for your little one is a key priority for every parent. Here are some baby proofing tips for your home, based on the age of your child.

1. 0-6 months: Newborns

Though your baby may not be the most mobile yet, it’s still important to eliminate potential hazards. Practise safe sleep habits by removing any soft toys, blankets and loose bedding from the cot until your baby is old enough to remove them on his or her own.

When baby starts to flip, it’s time to introduce a safe spot in the nursery room for playtime. Padded playmats provide a safe, clean surface for baby to practise tummy time. In addition, a playpen helps create a safe area for independent play. If you have stairs at home, consider installing safety gates at the top and bottom of stairs, or any other places that may be unsafe for children. Read here to discover more practical design ideas for your nursery room.

2. 7-12 Months: Curious Explorers

Once baby becomes more mobile and demands to explore every nook and cranny of the house, baby proofing comes into full force. Put adult locks on cabinets and drawers that you don’t want baby to access, and use bumper guards and door stoppers to prevent potential injuries. Conceal electrical outlets with plug socket covers and keep electrical cords and hazardous items out of reach from their little curious hands. At this stage, it’s also important to be more vigilant even as you teach your baby which areas are off-limits.

3. 12-18 Months: Active Toddlers

Toddlers bound with endless energy as they walk, dance, run and climb around the house. Naturally, you’d want to make sure all furniture is placed away from balconies and windows, keeping sharp items and medications out of their reach. Lastly, At this age, be prepared to give clear and constant reminders about the importance of safety – toddlers can understand simple instructions but don’t expect them to remember or heed them all the time.

For more interior inspirations, check out our Home Tours and Design Ideas!



5 Bicycle Storage Ideas Cycling Enthusiasts Will Love

5 Bicycle Storage Ideas Cycling Enthusiasts Will Love

Over the past few years, more people have taken up cycling as a leisure activity. However, storing the bicycles at home, while maintaining the overall aesthetic, can be quite a challenge. Here are 5 functional bicycle storage ideas that also look good.

1. Pole Racks

Photo: Qanvast

One of the common bicycle storage ideas is to install a bicycle pole rack. This fuss-free solution lets you store two bicycles for the floor space of one, while making for an eye-catching statement. This flat for instance, has a painted wall in a contrasting shade to draw attention towards the display.

2. Wall-Mounted Brackets

Photo: Qanvast

Unlike the pole rack, wall-mounted brackets blend in more seamlessly. These slim brackets allow your bicycles to take the spotlight without looking too out of place in your home. It’s no wonder that this bicycle storage idea will be a great fit for virtually any interior style.

3. Feature Wall

Photo: Qanvast

Displaying your bicycles on your feature wall involves the use of wall-mounted brackets. However, as feature walls require planning and design work, do discuss this bicycle storage idea with your interior designer beforehand.

Photo: Qanvast

This unique pegboard-style feature wall comes with frosted glass sliding doors, enabling home owners to keep the doors open to display their bikes, or keep them closed to minimise dust.

4. Partitions

Photo: Qanvast

While it doesn’t provide absolute privacy, this out-of-the-box design idea lets you stow your bicycle away while ensuring that your home still feels bright and breezy.

5. Built-In Carpentry

An easy way to keep your home neat is to opt for built-in carpentry.

Photo: Qanvast

If you want to integrate your bicycles as part of your home décor, take a page from this HDB flat. This full-length cabinet with its wood-like laminate shows off up to two bicycles, while blending seamlessly with the Scandinavian aesthetic of the home.

Photo: Qanvast

Alternatively, if you prefer storage ideas that help you access your bicycles more easily, you could opt for a half-height storage cabinet! Collapsible doors take up little space while keeping your bicycles dust-free!

This article was adapted from a version first published by Qanvast.



Unique HDB Front Gate Ideas for a Grand Entrance

Unique HDB Front Gate Ideas for a Grand Entrance

Customising your HDB front gate may not be on the top of your renovation list, but don’t close the door on the thought just yet. There are plenty of gates which can offer added convenience and safety, while letting your flat stand out. Get a handle on these unique HDB front gate ideas!

1. Go Digital

Photo: Fire Rated Door 

Digital locks are fast becoming a top choice for home owners who are looking for security with convenience. Whether it’s thumbprint, number or smartcard access, they remove the hassle of bringing a bunch of keys around while providing technology-enabled security. Combined with a simple wrought iron gate for added durability, this HDB front gate idea is more than a step up from the traditional ones. Planning on designing a smart home? Read our list of must-have devices to equip your flat with.

2. Mesh It Up

Photo: Pinterest

For pet owners, a wire mesh gate is a practical yet stylish choice. This HDB front gate idea prevents your pets from accidentally escaping from home, and can be a perfect complement to industrial-themed home decor.

3. Open Door Policy

Photo: Qanvast

For owners who are looking for a unique and modern entrance, consider a glass gate that can allow maximum sunlight to enter the house. If a glass gate seems like a counterintuitive choice for an entrance, opt for tinted glass to safeguard your privacy without compromising on the visual spectacle.

4. Panel Discussions

Photo: Laminate Door

Fancy changing up your HDB front gate design based on the occasion and event? The panels on these wall art gates can be easily switched up to transform the look of the flat!

Cut to Perfection

Photo: Qanvast

Display your favourite photo or a symbolic design proudly on a laser cut gate for a truly one-of-a-kind HDB front gate design! While this may not be the cheapest option, it’ll definitely speak volumes about your personality as a home owner.


HDB Bathroom Design Ideas for a Stylish Makeover

HDB Bathroom Design Ideas for a Stylish Makeover

We’ve all seen numerous stylish bathrooms on Pinterest, renovation videos and shows like Selling Sunset. Here are some HDB bathroom design ideas to help you achieve a similar look for your bathroom!

1. Floating Vanity

Not only do wall-mounted vanities provide a stylish touch to your bathroom, their ‘floating’ characteristic also gives the illusion of a bigger space. For a contemporary touch, install a strip of lighting at the bottom, to give the bathroom an extra oomph!

2. His and Hers Sinks

Find out how you can achieve a Pinterest-worthy bathroom with these HDB bathroom design ideas!

Two is better than one, so having two sinks provides you with more countertop space, especially when you’re looking to get ready! Having separate sinks also means that you’ll be better able to organise your items, where you’ll have faster access to them. If you have a long bathroom wall, this could be an option for you.

3. Feature Backsplash

Get stylish with a backsplash for the bathroom! Beyond aesthetics, the backsplash can also protect the walls from overexposure to water and potential water stains.

Home Tours: A Bold, Eclectic Home

Similar to kitchen backsplashes, there are a variety of designs you can consider. If you are thinking of an elegant and classy bathroom, consider patterned or subway tiles. A minimalistic bathroom? Mirrored or tempered glass finishes will do the trick.

4. Bathtubs

Home Tours: A Glamorous 4-Room Flat in Tampines

While a little uncommon, it is possible to incorporate a tub in your bathroom for a relaxing soak, especially after a long day. If this HDB bathroom design idea doesn’t spell luxurious, we don’t know what does. Before proceeding with your renovation works, do take some time to read the guidelines on bathtub installation.

Need more HDB bathroom design ideas or renovation tips? This article will also definitely come in handy if you are looking to stretch your renovation dollars!

Remember to tag us at @mynicehome to show your beautiful bathroom designs in your HDB home.



Lighting Ideas: Choosing the Right Lights for Your Home

Lighting Ideas: Choosing the Right Lights for Your Home

Lighting plays a crucial role in your home. Besides illuminating various spaces, lighting also enhances the interior design while setting the mood and ambience of the room.

We’ve put together a handy guide to help you navigate the blinding (pun intended) range of different lighting ideas, designs and functions for the different spaces within your home!

Living Room

Home Tours: A Mid-Century Home with An Eclectic Twist

The living room is where you unwind after a long day at work, and ambient lighting can create a cosy, relaxed ambience that will help you achieve a state of zen. Ambient lighting comes in many forms – it can be recessed lights installed in the ceiling, track lighting, or even a pendant light that doubles up as a statement piece in the living room. Find out more about the different lighting fixtures here.


Home Tours: Living the Artist’s Dream

Lighting is vital to a fully functioning kitchen, and more than one type of light fixture is typically used. One of the more common lighting ideas is ceiling lights which brightly illuminate the space. Track lights and under-cabinet LED light strips are often installed as task lighting, to eliminate shadows cast by cabinets.

Reno Journey: An Architect’s Home – Big Reveal (Pt. 3)

Dining Area

Home Tours: Designing a Modern Minimalistic HDB Flat

Just like the living room, dining rooms should be kept warm and cosy, yet bright enough to see the food on your plate! Pendant lights are commonly installed in the dining area – not only do they provide sufficient illumination, they also act as a bold visual element to the space. The best part? This lighting idea comes in an array of designs and styles so you are sure to find one to complement your flat’s aesthetics.

Home Tours: A Bold, Eclectic Home


Reno Journey: An Architect’s Home – Big Reveal (Pt. 3)

Brainstorming for lighting ideas for the bedroom can be complicated as we require a range of light intensities for different activities. For example, dim lighting before bedtime, bright lighting when dressing or putting on makeup, and warm lighting for light reading. The trick to a well-lit bedroom? Layered lighting which seamlessly combines the various types of light required.

Popular bedroom lighting ideas include ceiling and pendant lights that are adjustable in terms of light intensity, as well as cove lights. Task lighting such as bedside or dresser lamps can also be added for a more comfortable experience.

Home Tours: Living the Artist’s Dream

Home Office

Home Tours: A Japanese-Inspired Woody Home in Tampines

Nothing beats natural light streaming in from the windows to the study, but we think that ceiling lights and table lamps are good to have just in case the study room gets too dark. Ceiling lights instantly brighten up the room, while table lamps are useful when working on specific tasks such as writing or working on your laptop.


Home Tours: Dressed in Dreamy Pastels

Bathrooms usually have one or at most two light fixtures installed, with ceiling or recessed lights being the most common. If you prefer lights with a softer glow, consider cove lighting which hides lights behind mirrors, shelves, or false ceilings.

Home Tours: A Glamorous 4-Room Flat in Tampines

With a better understanding of the different lighting ideas, you can design and plan the lights for every space within your dream home. If you have any novel light fixtures in your home, tag us on Instagram @MyNiceHome – we’d love to see them!

In the midst of renovating your home? Check out our renovation guide or refer to more reads on interior inspiration.



6 Stylish Bedroom Wardrobe Design Ideas

6 Stylish Bedroom Wardrobe Design Ideas

More than just a functional storage space, bedroom wardrobes can be as stylish as they are functional. From open closets to built-in vanities, here are 6 wardrobe design ideas for your bedroom!

1. Open Closets

Photo: Inizio Atelier

To maximise storage space, consider keeping a capsule wardrobe and installing an open closet system. Besides keeping your clothes organised, having an open closet gives you easy access to your everyday outfits.


Not a fan of a completely open wardrobe? Perhaps a closed closet with an expansive shelf might be more fitting (pun intended). There are many ways to use this shelf – hang up your favourite clothing items, or use it as a handy space to keep trinkets within convenient reach.

2. Corner Closets

Photo: Ethereall

The corner wardrobes is one of the more popular wardrobe design ideas as they maximise space and reduce dead corners. To make yours stand out, accentuate your wardrobe with decorative touches such as unique panelling or shaker-style frames.

Photo: Zenith Arc

If the farmhouse/ boho-chic look isn’t quite your style, you can consider the angled cut-outs as a modish design accent part of your wardrobe design idea.

3. Built-in Vanities

Photos: Orange InteriorMr Designer Studio

Instead of buying a freestanding vanity, why not fit in your vanity counter as part of your built-in wardrobe? You can also opt to construct the vanity table at the edge of your wardrobe, to double up as a bedside stand, thus freeing up more space within your room.

4. Storage Solutions

Photos: Salt StudioNotion of W

The biggest advantage that pocket doors have over their swing-open counterparts is their space-saving design. If there’s sufficient space along the sides of your wardrobe, you can even squeeze in a pull-out storage compartment for accessories such as ties and scarves.

You can also make the most of your built-in wardrobe, by constructing vertical shelves at its sides for additional storage!

5. Door Designs

Photos: Ascend DesignAnhans Interior Design

Rattan is always a lovely material choice if you’re looking to add an organic touch within your home. Besides being easy on the eye, its natural colour makes rattan a good match for almost any interior design theme.

Photo:  Fuse Concept

Terrazzo laminates are a great (read: cost-effective) way to spruce up any surface – including the exterior of your bedroom wardrobe. Opt for terrazzo-look coverings with colourful flecks to add fun and vibrancy to your home.

On top of their unique and stylish aesthetic, fluted glass in-lays offer a playful glimpse of your wardrobe content while masking clutter effectively.

6. Statement Features

Photos: The Interior LabProzfile Design

Another way to reduce clutter while displaying your most loved fashion pieces at the same time? Consider installing a glass display case! Floor-to-ceiling glass shelves break up visual monotony in the room, while making your ceiling look higher.

Photo: Swiss Interior Design

Depending on where your wardrobe is located in your bedroom, sometimes natural light may not be enough. Installing overhead lights as is always a good wardrobe design idea to help you dress well. You can install strip lights if you prefer a cosy setup that still provides sufficient lighting for choosing your outfits.

Photo:  Rhiss Interior

For an extra wow factor, consider working in a wide mirror as part of one of the wardrobe design ideas. You save space without a standalone mirror, and the large mirrored surface will make your space feel larger.

This article was adapted from a version first published by Qanvast.

